able to rely on your Central Station is a must. We take our job
serious and you and your customers should expect no less.
Central operators respond to alarm signals, on average, in less
than 10 seconds. Signals are dispatched by zone to give authorities
the exact nature of the emergency.
Central has state of the art redundancy in equipment, including
two 35kw diesel generators, computer systems, telephone system,
three T-1 cables and a state of the art automation system.
Central also has a disaster emergency station located in Dallas,
Tx in case of a local disaster.
Alarm Central operators are professionally trained by Security Industry
Association Certified Instructors.
Central notifies both the emergency response agency and the designated
pre-arranged emergency contacts. The dealer may also request to
be notified on each alarm, as well as missed tests and troubles
Central is full insured, including professional liability insurance.
Central is housed in a 12,000 square foot modern facility specifically
engineered for Central Station Operations; including 24 hour video
surveillance both inside the central station and at all entrances,
24 hour secure access to the central station, and climate controlled
computer room with fire suppression.
Central is a UL Listed Fire station.